Photos for January Stones and April PAD 2012 property of M J Dills (exception 1/16)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 18, 2010 To Wren; A Message Undelivered

The prompt today is To_______
I guess you could do just about anything with that. So I did.

To Wren; A Message Undelivered

Your mother never meant you to be caged,
Though she named you for a bird.
How was it that you locked yourself in and hid the key?
But that was long ago.
The last time I saw you, you were so thin
In your tattered sleeves, concealing your weary arms,
Fingertips fluttering,
To your lips,
Your throat,
Your lips again.
Your eyes cinders in a wild, pale mask.
I remember when you sister said,
“We’ve lost him. Wren has blown.”
“Flown?” I said.
She rolled her eyes.
She’d grown sick of that.
“He could be dead for all we know,”
And her lack of remorse pierced me.
I asked about you in all the usual places but by then
Even the people had changed;
No one knew.
Someone thought you’d gone to Arizona where it was warm.
But Davy said
“Not there; too many Goldwaters.”
And then we stopped asking.
You became a person in our history,
My poems,
Davy’s tiny pencil drawings.
You went the way, Wren, so many went:
Scattered, like wild seeds in a hungry field.

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