Photos for January Stones and April PAD 2012 property of M J Dills (exception 1/16)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tonight I Can Not Write

This is a repeat of a poem I wrote April 16, 2009. "Find or think of a poem you admire, and write a poem that is a “mirror-image” of it." Although I am not a fan of plagiarizing, this is a fun exercise and if gives me a chance to pay homage to Neruda, one of my favorite poets.

Tonight I Can Not Write

Tonight I can not write what I need to say to you. The words won’t come.

I can not tell you how the sound of the wind clattering in the palms shivers my heart. I can not recall being with you in the sand, under the moon, by the sea.

Tonight and tomorrow I can not write nor can I sing the love songs we sang together secretly – so only we could hear.

Tonight I can not write how your hands wrapped around my soul and your fingers tapped the code of my heart. It is dark now. My heart is dark.

I do not miss you, nor do I yearn for you. I never think of you. My mind is clear. Open.

Tonight I can not write and plead with you in my quiet way to forget me. Forget me. As I have forgotten you.

The music drifts down my street and the notes are the same that never rouse my memory of things that no longer matter.

Tonight I can not write that your face to me is a clear and empty sphere. I do not see you. Nor do I dream of you.

I have forgotten you. Your eyes. Your voice, your touch. I no longer remember you.




  1. I always liked this one. Glad to read it again.

  2. i saved this in my folder 2 years ago the day you wrote it. it's like i'm reading it for the first time.
