Photos for January Stones and April PAD 2012 property of M J Dills (exception 1/16)

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Headlines

Today is the second to the last day of the PAD challenge. Thank you to everyone who has read my poems this month. I’ll be posting again in July for the River of Stones (very short poems that reflect the doings of the day.)

April 29, 2011

Write a poem using today’s headlines as a prompt.

Butterflies passed through Alabama yesterday
Elsewhere wedding veils were being prepared
And subjects slept on pavement
With beds left cold
The sun rose in the morning
A tornado with two minutes warning
Left wings shred
And a prince was wed
More people died
In faraway Iran
Football fans booed
Crowds listened to Ryan’s plan
Someplace the weather was good.
Some babies struggle to survive
While one proves birth in doubt
Astronauts don colorful suits
Prepare for a blast
A blind sea lion seeks residence
Two convictions rest on evidence
Rape victims request peace at last.



1 comment:

  1. This will be a snippet of the day in the news..mostly tragic and scary of course but it is what it is. Great poem. (A time capsule of sorts)
    Without Computers
