Photos for January Stones and April PAD 2012 property of M J Dills (exception 1/16)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Big of Small

The smallest things
happen in a short
period of time and
we find our lives changed in
a big way.
The human blink is a
fraction of a second.
The trajectory of a bullet
can’t be changed once it’s released
but it takes almost no time at all to
pull a trigger.
A germ can float around forever
and land in a healthy system
with less time than it takes a
hummingbird to
The word
is one of the shortest in any language,
yet it can create the longest sentence,
as can a
The biggest things that happen in life
are often committed by the most
minimal acts.
We are all created in
less than a minute,
less than a second,
just a wink of an eye.

Thank you for reading......